Preparing for Online Sessions

Online therapy/coaching have been steadily growing as an alternative to in person counselling/coaching and studies have shown that telehealth is comparably effective to in-person therapy (Castro et al., 2020; Murphy et al., 2009). Online counselling/coaching has many advantages: it allows you to connect with your counsellor/coach wherever you are, cuts out time commuting to and from the office, allows you to connect and discuss what is on your mind whether you are at home, work or travelling. 

However, it is a different experience from in-person counselling/coaching so being prepared and aware of a few different details will improve your experience of online therapy/coaching. Here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about engaging in online counselling/coaching with us:

Be Prepared

Before our first session, we will send you a link to and instructions to access our ‘therapy/coaching space’. It can be helpful and reassuring to go through the steps before our first meeting. It’s better to iron out the kinks prior to the session as when things don’t go to plan, the frustration over technology can spill into our session.

It can also be helpful to think about what you would like to discuss during our session just as you would for an in-person appointment.

Internet Connection

A good quality internet connection means that the online therapy/coaching session won’t be interrupted. To help improve your internet connection and network speed close down all other applications on whatever device you are using. This will also prevent you from being distracted by any notifications, messages or pop-ups during the session. Please also ensure that whatever device you are using is sufficiently charged or that you are connected to your charger.

We will arrange for a back up plan should we get disconnected. 


This is one of the most important considerations for online therapy/coaching. Find a comfortable, quiet space where you won’t be worried about being overheard or interrupted. 

Some clients prefer using headphones, with or without a microphone. Some have a white noise machine they can place outside of the door. If these options are not available to you, some clients will sit in their car (while safely parked) or at a park in order to have privacy from their family. 

Get Comfortable (both physically and mentally)

Developing a trusting relationship is one of the factors that will affect how helpful you find your work with us. Whenever possible, find a comfortable physical space to allow your body to relax which in turn will help your mind feel more open to sharing how you are feeling. 

Just like in-person therapy/coaching, it can take more than one session to feel completely comfortable. It’s normal to hold some things back as you test the boundaries of our therapeutic/coaching relationship but it’s also normal to feel completely at ease in our first session. 

Create a Ritual

Creating a ritual allows your body and mind to know that you are ‘in a session’ even if you are not in an office. Think about the steps you would take to go to a physical space: travel there, check in with the front desk, wait in the waiting room, go into the office. All these are cues to get ready for what is going to happen next. 

Some clients like to get a cup of tea or coffee, have a notebook and a pen, do a little journaling or a meditation before a session. Some clients have told us that they literally walk out their door and back in again to help mentally prepare themselves for ‘going to counselling’!

Telehealth is new to many people, but once you get comfortable with the idea and realise that we can create connection online, you will find that our sessions mirror that of in-person sessions. 


Therapeutic Approaches


Reasons We May Struggle