Counselling Vancouver

A Collaborative Therapist

We all deserve to live fulfilling lives but sometimes we may need a little help along the way. Sometimes people come to counselling with specific concerns and sometimes they aren’t sure of the exact reason or problem. What they both have in common is that things aren’t quite right in their life and they want to feel better. Counselling can help with that. In working with Natasha you will feel empowered to step into your full potential and get clarity on exactly how you want to live your life so that you can experience the joy and success you deserve. 

Not sure if counselling is right for you?

Confidence & Self Esteem

Unconditionally believe you are worthy and deserving of ALL the things you desire.

Therapy can help with:

Anxiety, Stress & Depression

Identify where you spiral or self sabotage, and create a clear path for healing, exhale and release.

Feeling Stuck

When you aren’t sure of the exact reason or problem – just that things don’t feel quite right.

Life Transitions & Growth

Gain a greater understanding of yourself, your surroundings, your desires and inner knowing.

Trauma & Grief

A safe space to work through feelings of trauma, grief and loss, releasing attachment and self-judgement.

Relationships & Boundaries

Using gentle curiosity, work on improving your relationship with yourself and people you love.

Your Investment

50 minute individual counselling session: $212 + gst

Or start by booking a complimentary discovery call today.

Cost of services may be covered for those with extended health benefits where RCC, Counselling, Psychotherapy, etc, is listed as a benefit.

Let’s Get Started

Everyone deserves to live fulfilling lives but sometimes we may need a little help along the way.