Vancouver Corporate Well-Being Workshops

Invest in your people,
empower your team.

Studies show companies that intentionally invest in employee well-being see positive outcomes for both the individual and the organization, naturally translating to improved business profitability. By creating a culture of psychological safety, we see increased engagement and organizational trust.

People-Centered Training for Purpose-Driven Companies

Though the topics may sound familiar, Natasha brings in science, a therapeutic lens, stories and humour to connect with attendees, making complex information easy to understand and practical to apply.

  • Equip your team with practical tools and strategies to manage stress and maintain well-being. From breathwork to other non-traditional methods, this workshop is by far the most popular.

  • Help your team members understand and manage their emotions, leading to improved self-awareness, interpersonal relationships and trusting teams. Another popular workshop that impacts individuals in both their personal and professional lives.

  • This is not your typical work-life balance workshop (though Natasha can host that too). This workshop addresses establishing boundaries between team members where friendships have made it difficult to hold professional accountability.

  • Foster open and honest communication that strengthens collaboration and trust within your team.

Workshops are never just ‘off the shelf’. Each event starts with a consultation to get laser focused on the specific needs of your organization so that Natasha can create a customized program for your team.

“Natasha hosted a workshop for our team on navigating authenticity and boundaries in the workplace. It was an outstanding mix of big picture concepts and neuroscience, and practical applications to our every day routines and communication methods. I noticed an immediate difference in how our team understood each other on a deeper level and how to respect each other’s boundaries in a kind way. Thank you Natasha for your incredible session!"

Carly Moir, Founder & CEO

Why support emotional well-being?

The ripple effect of organizational well-being can be evidenced in many ways:

Reduced Absenteeism and Presenteeism

A mentally healthy work environment minimizes sick leave and unproductive presenteeism.

Stronger Team Cohesion and Trust

A sense of psychological safety allows employees to feel comfortable sharing ideas and collaborate effectively.

Increased Innovation and Problem-Solving

Teams have the tools to tackle challenges creatively and collaboratively.

Increased Wellness and Stress Management

Employees with good mental fitness and resilience manage stress better.

Enhanced Productivity and Job Satisfaction

Creates a work environment that motivates employees and reduces turnover costs and disability related expenses.

Your team deserves more than the traditional HR corporate workshop.

With over 20 years of experience as a facilitator, educator and therapist, Natasha has a deep understanding of the human mind as well as the challenges faced in today's workplace.

She leverages this expertise, along with her proven leadership skills, to craft engaging and impactful workshops tailored to your organisation's specific needs.

Natasha's clinical background allows for deeper conversations that go beyond the surface, fostering psychological safety, trust, and a foundation for a truly thriving workplace.

Get in touch, today.

“Natasha, thank you for putting on the information session for our team on strategies for stress reduction in the workplace. Your discussion on breathing techniques and creating a mindset that helps reduce stress and managing challenging situations when working with the public was excellent. You brought a professional presentation that created impact amongst our team members and strategies they can use for years to come. You delivered the content in a relatable fashion to our diverse team that work in several areas of our organization. Keep up the great work!”

Nate Toevs, Employer Outreach Developer

Where We’ve Made an Impact

  • "I wasn’t hopeful when Natasha came to facilitate a sensitive discussion with our team. But she connected with everyone and created a safe space for people to speak freely. It was amazing.”


  • “Natasha is really easy to work with. I felt very comfortable with our decision to work with her, given how at ease she made me feel during our interactions.”


  • “Your talk about breathing was eye-opening! Now I feel like I have simple ways to feel calmer and more in charge. I feel more hopeful and more capable to handle tough times at work."


  • “It was very easy to communicate with Natasha and set up the workshop and I thought it was relevant and engaging. Mind/Body connection can be quite nebulous for people and to unpack it in a practical way (coupled with activities) within 45 mins is no easy feat! Natasha has a very relatable presence and explains things in a way that people understand.”


Get in Touch to Enhance Your Workplace

If you are ready to further foster a psychologically safe, high performing and innovative workplace, reach out and discover how we can collaborate.