Top 10 FAQs About RTT Hypnotherapy: Myth busting common misconceptions about Hypnotherapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Hypnotherapy has gained recognition for its effective and efficient approach to addressing physical and mental health conditions. However, misconceptions and myths surrounding Hypnotherapy can prevent people from benefiting from its potential. In this blog post, I'll answer the top 10 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about RTT Hypnotherapy, providing you with clear and concise information to alleviate any concerns or doubts you may have.

  1. What is RTT Hypnotherapy and how does it work?

    RTT Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to induce relaxation and focus, allowing access to the subconscious mind to address various issues such as phobias, anxiety, smoking cessation, weight management, and more. It follows a specific sequence of therapeutic interventions unique to RTT, enhancing its effectiveness.

  2. Can anyone be hypnotized?

    Hypnosis, or being in a trance state, is a natural experience that we encounter in everyday life. In a clinical setting, most individuals can be hypnotized to some degree. Factors like openness, willingness, and rapport influence the success of the session. However, hypnosis cannot be imposed on someone against their will, and some individuals may be less responsive due to certain conditions.

  3. Is clinical RTT hypnotherapy the same as stage hypnosis?

    No! Hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis are distinct practices. Stage hypnosis is for entertainment, while hypnotherapy is a therapeutic intervention conducted in a private setting with the goal of achieving personal growth and behaviour change.

  4. Is RTT Hypnotherapy effective?

    RTT Hypnotherapy has shown effectiveness in treating anxiety disorders, phobias, addiction, depression, chronic pain, weight management, increasing confidence and more. Individual responses may vary, and success also depends on the skill and experience of the hypnotherapist.

  5. Is hypnotherapy safe?

    Hypnotherapy, when practiced by trained professionals, is generally considered safe. It is a non-invasive therapy that does not involve medication or physical procedures. Ensure you consult a certified hypnotherapist who adheres to ethical standards for a safe and supportive environment.

  6. Can hypnotherapy make me do things against my will or reveal secrets?

    No, hypnotherapy cannot make you do anything against your will or reveal personal secrets. You maintain control and can reject any suggestions that make you uncomfortable. Hypnotherapy empowers individuals and helps access inner resources.

  7. How many sessions are usually required?

    RTT Hypnotherapy delivers results quickly. Typically, clients achieve their goals or find significant relief from their problems in just one cycle. A cycle of RTT Hypnotherapy includes a 2 hour hypnotherapy session, two follow up appointments and one bespoke recording based on the work we do together in session. This is much quicker than traditional hypnotherapy or talk therapy, which may require extended treatment.

  8. Can hypnotherapy be used alongside other treatments?

    Absolutely! RTT Hypnotherapy can be used alongside other treatments or medications. It combines various therapeutic modalities to enhance their effectiveness, aiding in behaviour modification, pain management, and overall well-being.

  9. What if I can't be hypnotized?

    While most individuals can be hypnotized, some may face challenges due to resistance, skepticism, or a lack of relaxation. But don’t worry, I have lots of techniques to help individuals overcome these challenges and achieve a hypnotic state.

  10. How do I find a qualified hypnotherapist?

    When seeking a hypnotherapist, consider their credentials, experience, and personal rapport. Look for certified professionals who have received proper training, inquire about their experience, and ensure you feel comfortable and trust their expertise.


RTT Hypnotherapy is an incredible therapeutic approach that harnesses the power of the mind for positive change. By addressing these FAQs, I hope to dispel misconceptions and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision. If you're considering RTT hypnotherapy, book a free discovery call and let's have a chat. Your transformative journey awaits!


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