
“The thing I really appreciate about working with Natasha is that she pays attention to the personal details of my stories and addresses not only what I feel I need, but what she has picked up that could use examination. I have not always found that in a counsellor, but Natasha nails it. She is so keen to find that different angle that I haven't been able to see, being so close to my own story.  I feel challenged but supported at the same time. And I always leave our time together feeling like there has been some quality take away, and a feeling of optimism because of the work we have done together. Such a pleasure at every session.”

– JF

“I have been close with Natasha for many years. During this time, I have received kindness from her heart, and understanding by way of her active listening. Her generous laughter and openness have made me feel comfortable to let her know what is going on with me. She is thoughtful in her responses, and challenges me to see a situation differently rather than go along with the story I have already told myself. She is an asset to my community, and I feel honoured to know her.”

– KC

“As someone who has an incredible knack at spiralling downward to the point where I forget what I was upset about to the begin with, I have been profoundly grateful for Natasha’s ability to thoughtfully and subtlety bring me back to the trigger and walk me back off the emotional turmoil that I seem to feel far too comfortable with. Her ability to have insight into connections that would not even occur to me has helped me on many occasions and have led to much sounder sleeps. By putting me at ease in her calm and unassuming manner, the conversations seem to flow seamlessly and I have walked away feeling so much better without even being fully cognizant of how or what Natasha said or did, but it worked!”

– AR

“I’ve been seeing Natasha these past few months, and have come to realize how much I needed to speak to someone who can advise without lecturing, who can empathize without espousing clichés and who provides a soft landing site when I feel like I’m crashing. She is generous of her time and expertise, celebrating the small – and large – insights she helps me recognize. I feel safe to speak my insecurities and truth , feeling empowered after our sessions that I can make changes. Thank you Natasha for having my back, unconditionally.”

– KF

“Natasha has a way of helping you see below the surface of what you’re really experiencing. I was blown away by how quickly and clearly I was able to see the limiting beliefs that have been holding me back for so long. In addition to confronting and clearing these, I left with concrete tools and strategies that made me feel empowered and able to handle my current and future life. I have never felt better.”

– DB

“Sometimes you just need to sort through things with someone who’s not in it. I have been privileged to have Natasha to go to when I have needed to talk through life’s tough issues with a third party that will listen, guide and support. I have appreciated our “walk and talks” as getting outside and being able to release some of my anxieties has made some very tough days far more bearable; perhaps even pleasant. Natasha’s intelligence and easy going demeanor make sessions not feel like sessions, but rather a comforting conversation with an old friend.”

– BK

“I have been only working with Dr. Ghosh for a few months and I have already noticed a big difference. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety for over 20 years and I have had numerous psychologists and psychiatric nurses over the years and Natasha is one of the best I have worked with. Natasha challenges my thoughts and calls me out when I need it. It is easy to go through the motions when working on deep seeded emotional issues and traumas, but Natasha always presses just a big more to get to the real block without making me feel like I am stupid or as if I am over reacting. Don’t get me wrong, I still have to do all the heavy lifting but Natasha is a great support when things get too heavy, by providing a great sound board and at times unconventional holistic practices to try. I would definitely without question recommend anyone who is serious about their mental health to contact Dr. Ghosh and work with her to create a better lived life.”

– SC